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Klan Papers Get into Texas Prisons but PLN is Banned

Michael Lowe, exalted Cyclops of the Waco Ku Klux Klan, is trying to reach some 13,500 white prisoners inside the Texas prison system. And Texas prison officials are allowing the KKK publications into their prisons. Well get prisoners out of their white prison clothes, said Low, and into white Klan robes. I think the Texas Department of Corrections (TDOC) should like it.

A defensive TDOC spokesman, David Nunnellee, said: We cant ban something mailed to inmates just because it is not a popular viewpoint. As it happens, the PLN has had about a dozen Texas prisoners on its mailing list since the newsletter first started, and not a single copy of any issue has made it to the prisoner-addressee. All have been banned.

We are working with Texas prisoners on joint litigation in an effort to stop the rejections. Until we are successful, our message of prisoner unity will be barred from Texas prisons, while the KKK is permitted to spew its message of prisoner against prisoner hatred and collaboration with the pigs.

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