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RESISTANCE - Documents and analysis of the illegal front. Is an irregular tabloid that has news and analysis of militant autonomist, anti-imperialist, national liberation, and anti-nuclear struggle in the advanced capitalist countries. The latest issue has articles about native struggle in Canada, a discussion paper on patriarchy from the Revolutionary Cells in Germany, the Resistance conspiracy case and more. Resistance is free to prisoners and costs $6.00 per year for "free people." Write: Resistance, P.O. Box 790, Station A, Vancouver, B.C., V6C2N6, Canada.

WOFPP Newsletter - is a monthly newsletter by Womens Organization For Political Prisoners. It covers the plight of women political prisoners, mostly Palestinian, in Israeli jails, their conditions of confinement (usually pretty brutal), charges against them, etc. For more information write: WOFPP, P.O. Box 31811,Tel Aviv 61318, Israel.

CHALLENGE - is a quarterly journal that covers events inside Israel and the Middle East. Recent issues have included articles on the conditions of confinement for Palestinian political and social prisoners, torture of prisoners by the Shin Bet (Israeli internal secret police), imprisonment and persecution of Jewish anti-apartheid activists in South Africa and much more. An excellent publication. Write: Hanitzotz, P.O. Box 1575, Jerusalem, Israel.

LOVE AND RACE - is a bi-lingual (English and Spanish) revolutionary anarchist newsmonthly. Each issue has at least one page devoted to prison struggle. The January 1991 issue is devoted to political prisoners in the United States and contains articles by political prisoners Leonard Peltier and Larry Giddings. Each issue has a lot of addresses for other journals and groups. Free to prisoners, $7.00 a year for others. Write: Love and Rage, P.O. Box 3, Prince St. Station, NY, NY 10012.

ACLU PRISON PROJECT JOURNAL - is a quarterly magazine by the ACLU Prison Project. It covers issues on the cutting edge of prison law as well as trends and currents in the criminal justice system. Each issue also has a case law digest with recent cases analyzed and listed. Subscriptions are $2.00 for prisoners, $25.00 for others. Write: National Prisoner Project, 1875 Connecticut Ave. N.W. #410, Washington, D.C. 20009.

BULLDOZER - The only vehicle for prison reform. This is a bi-monthly tabloid paper that is always filled with interesting and informative material on prison conditions in the U.S. and elsewhere, Native American struggles, news on political prisoners and more. Highly recommended. Free to prisoners, donation requested for others. Write: Bulldozer, P.O. Box 5052, Station A. Toronto, Ont. M5W 1W4, Canada.

COALITION FOR PRISONERS RIGHTS Newsletter - is a small monthly newsletter with short articles and letters on prison conditions across the United States. Free to prisoners, donation for others. Write: CPR, P.O. Box 1911,Santa Fe, NM 67504.

ANTIGONE - is a quarterly publication of the National Committee on U.S. Corrections. It is similar to PLN in format and has an emphasis on Michigan prisoners. Each issue has legal analysis, news on legislation and such affecting Michigan prisoners and cartoons and graphics. A year's subscription costs $3.00 for prisoners; $7.00 for "free" people. Write: Nat. Comm. on U.S. Corrections, P.0. Box 308, Farmington, MI 48332.

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