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From The Editor

From the Editor

By Paul Wright

Welcome to another issue of PLN . First, please accept my apologies for the late arrival of the March issue. In the past we have mailed PLN from Seattle on the last Tuesday of the month. We have now switched our printing and mailing operation to the New York City area and there was some delay in straightening out the necessary postal permits. We are now back on schedule and should remain this way for the foreseeable future.

Readers may have noticed that our last issue did not have an editorial by Ed. The parole board's ban on communication between Ed and myself has proved unworkable. For the foreseeable future, Ed has discontinued his involvement with PLN . The ACLU of Washington has agreed to file suit challenging the parole board's action. This will be the subject of an article in an upcoming issue of PLN . In practical terms nothing will change as far as PLN goes, we will continue to appear monthly and strive to be a progressive voice for prisoners and their supporters as well as an outstanding source of legal and political information.

The March issue was printed on bond paper because the new printer did not have any newsprint in stock. We are keeping the current format for the foreseeable future as everyone who has written agrees that this is the easiest to read and most visually attractive.

We are still seeking to build up our subscriber base. With this issue we will begin sending sample copies to legal aid and public defender offices around the country. Because we don't have money for an advertising budget we rely on the occasional direct mailing and word of mouth advertising from our readers. Please continue to let others know about PLN and encourage them to subscribe. Ads or blurbs in prison and community newspapers are a good way to reach our target audiences. We can send sample copies to potential subscribers and can also make arrangements to send bulk issues of PLN for you to distribute in your prison (assuming your captors allow it), community, law office, at events, etc.

Please check your mailing label and make sure it is correct. You need to notify us promptly of any address changes as the post office does not forward PLN and charges us to return each issue. We have also received complaints from readers at state prisons in Lucasville and Lebanon, Ohio, Walla Walla, WA. and FCI Jesup that they have not received PLN . None have been returned to us nor have we received any rejection notices. As a matter of policy we appeal all attempts at censorship and are willing to provide affidavits and other support in the event PLN is not delivered or is withheld. Readers need to let us know if you are having problems receiving PLN . So far we have been able to resolve most problems administratively. Enjoy this issue of PLN and pass it along to others.

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