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Criminal Law

Criminal Law is an 809 page book designed for criminal justice personnel, judges, prosecutors, police, etc. The book is extremely useful for anyone seeking a basic understanding of substantive criminal law. It does not deal with criminal procedure. With extensive state and federal case citations the book is not intended to be state specific but rather to provide an overview of how criminal law is actually developed and applied. Divided into two parts, the first 546 pages outline principles of criminal liability and elements for the offense for all criminal laws, i.e., property, drug, sex, theft, white collar, moral, violent, etc. The second half of the book contains entire court rulings which discuss judicial analysis of the offenses outlined in the first fifteen chapters. Authored by law professors John Klotter and Terry Edwards, the text is easy to read and very understandable. The book is not designed for lawyers so much as it is for lay people seeking a better understanding of criminal law principles. The book is ideal for prisoners who are interested in the topic and beginning legal studies. To order contact: Anderson Publishing, P.O. Box 1576, Cincinnati, OH 45201-1576. 1-800- 582-7295.

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